May Newsletter 2019

Greetings, all. I do hope you are enjoying our beautiful spring weather. I just love seeing green sprouts bursting through the brown earth and listening to the spring birds, especially the robins. First ones up and last ones to bed. Love those robins. And don’t even get me started on Sandhill Cranes. True love.

I was in even drier country than MT for the first two weeks of April. Exploring the vast landscapes of northern New Mexico was so exciting and humbling. The photo I’m including in this newsletter was taken at Georgia O’Keeffe’s Ghost Ranch outside of Santa Fe. What a magical and awe-inspiring place. We had a great trip, yet I was so glad to come back to the Bozone, even if it did snow on us the night we returned. Gotta love it.

Here’s what’s coming up in May. Hope to see you at one or more of the venues.

Friday May 3: Edis and the Incredibles at the Sacajewea Hotel in Three Forks. Join us for some great dancing tunes. That’s Edis on lead vocals and rhythm guitar, Cliff DeManty on keys, Eddie T on bass, Greg Vallor on drums, and special guest, Blake Simpson on lead guitar. 9 pm to 12:30 am. No cover, tips appreciated. Come kick up your heels!

Sunday May 5: Edis at Santa Fe Reds. With Blake Simpson on lead guitar. This is a special Cinco de Mayo/MSU graduation celebration! Come celebrate with a margarita or two. 6 to 8 pm. No cover.

Tuesday May 14: Edis at Santa Fe Reds for Music and Margaritas. SIlas Rea on fiddle and mandolin. Great taco specials.. 6 to 8 pm, no cover.

Thursday May 16: Join Edis, Cliff, and Eddie T at Bozeman Hot Springs. Always a blast to play in the luxurious atmosphere of the outdoors and the multiple pools at the hot springs. 7 to 10 pm.

Thursday May 23: Be ready to dance to the music at The Mint in Belgrade. Edis on vocals and guitar, Cliff DeManty on keys, and Eddie T on bass. Enjoy an incredible dinner, fine drinks, and cool tunes. 7 to 9:30 pm. No cover, tips appreciated.

I’ll also be providing the music at Pilgrim Congregational Church on May 5 and Unity Spiritual Center on May 12th and 26th.

You can listen in to my “Blues by Heart” show on KGLT on Saturdays, May 4, 11, and 18th. 3 to 6 pm. 91.9 in Bozeman, or more info or to stream, see Thanks for supporting us at the fund drive! If you didn’t get a chance to, it’s never too late to make a donation on line.

You can always get more info and updates on the Calendar of Events page. .

Happy Spring, and thanks for the support.

All the best,


Edis Kittrell