July Newsletter 2020
July Jaunts
Hello, All!
Still limiting the jaunts, gotta say. Don’t have any bar gigs scheduled (nor have I been in a bar or restaurant since March 13th). However, I do want to let you know I’m playing at the weekly public barbeques at 320 Ranch, Big Sky. It’s outdoors, beautiful, and yummy all at the same time. Right on the Gallatin River. You can take a two hour horse ride or a shorter wagon ride previous to the barbeque. I play completely acoustic tunes – no PA – starting at 5:00 pm. Lots of cowboy tunes. That’s me in the photo above with one of the gorgeous wagon teams. Every Wednesday till September 16th, if all goes as planned. Of course, “uncertainty” is still the operative word these days, so I’ll keep you posted. Here’s the website for more info: https://www.320ranch.com/dining/chuckwagon-bbq/
I’m also happy to be back at KGLT every other Saturday, 3 to 6 pm, for my “Blues By Heart” show. Always a blast. I’ll be on July 4th weekend and every other weekend following. We had a successful week-long fund drive in early June—thanks to all who contributed! We’ll be doing another fund drive week sometime in September. Once again, I’ll keep you posted. Tune in locally at 91.9 or stream. More info and frequencies at https://www.kglt.net
On the home page, I’m including a recording I did with Cliff DeManty of a significant song, “What a Wonderful World” by Bob Thiele and George David Weiss, made popular originally by Louis Armstrong. I find it uplifting to hear and sing, and – of course – Cliff does a fantastic job on keys. It’s a rough recording as recordings go, but hope you enjoy. I also hope you can appreciate all the good in the world, despite all the hardships.
Stay safe and happy. And thanks again for the support.