December Newsletter 2022
Hello, my friends. It's been a while. A bit too long, I'd say.
I want to catch you up on my musical life, which has been limited for quite some time now. First, COVID was shutting down all the venues. Then, about a year ago, I started having trouble with my left hip—the same hip I'd already had two surgeries on due to a prosthesis part recall back in 2011 or so. To make a very long story short, I ended up with a third surgery on that side in September of this year. But until then, I had very limited movement and a lot of pain. It took quite a while to figure out what was wrong, which surgeon I was going to use (I ended up very happily at the University of Utah in Salt Lake), when I would have surgery, how long the recovery would be, etc. In all that time, I was hesitant to book any public gigs because of my physical limitations.
Soooo, the surgery went well, thank goodness. Three months post-surgery, I'm all healed up and recovered, back to work, and building up my strength and endurance. All along, I did continue playing for my senior folks at a few facilities in town and had a couple of private performances, but very few public gigs. Cliff DeManty and I continued practicing and working on more songs.
I'm afraid I don't have a performance schedule to share with you at this time, although I am on KGLT most Saturdays from 3 to 6 pm, except for January 21st and 28th. I'm hoping to get back in the public music scene ASAP and will definitely let you know.
I hope you have had a wonderful Holiday season surrounded by love and friendship. For myself, I'm looking forward to getting back on the beautiful cross-country ski trails you see in this picture I took of the Bridgers near my home.
Signing off with all the best to you, and Happy New Year!