July Newsletter 2022
Greetings, Friends.
I trust you are enjoying this green, lush year we are having. What a lovely rainy spring, wasn’t it? Although warm temperatures seem to be on the way, hopefully things won’t dry up too quickly!
Although I have been a bit less active this year, I do have some gigs to share with you. Seems like music in Bozeman is as lush as the vegetation. Hope you are getting out and enjoying some live music. ‘Tis the season!
Friday, July 22nd, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.: Ted’s Montana Grill, 105 West Main St, Bozeman. Join Cliff DeManty and I on the back patio at Ted’s for some fine grub and even finer tunes. No cover. More info at www.tedsmontanagrill.com
Saturday, July 30th, noon to 3:00 p.m.: Edis and the Incredibles at the Manhattan Car Show: Come share small town fun and check out super cool cars at this outdoor festival. Full of fun for the whole family, from 9 am to 3 pm. Live music with Joe Man begins at 11, then “Edis and the Incredibles” play from noon to 3. That’s Edis on guitar and vocals, Cliff DeManty on keys, Rich Robiscoe on bass, and Mike Gillan on drums. There will be farm animals, a petting zoo, food vendors, a kid’s carnival, a farmer’s market, and a 50/50 raffle. Sponsored by the Manhattan Area Chamber of Commerce and takes place at the Manhattan School grounds.
Wednesdays, July 20th and 27th, 5 to 8 p.m.: BBQ at 320 Ranch. Enjoy a horseback or wagon ride as well as full out western BBQ at 320 Ranch, Big Sky. This is the real thing, folks! More info at https://320ranch.com/dining/chuckwagon-bbq/
That’s it, folks! I’ll be back at KGLT on Saturday, August 13th with the “Blues by Heart” show from 3 to 6 pm.
Thank you for the support,